
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Alcohol and medications

Mixing alcohol and medications can be dangerous. This is true for over-the-counter as well as prescription drugs. Alcohol can keep some drugs from doing what they are supposed to, whether it's repairing the body or preventing an illness. Alcohol can also make some drugs too effective, causing unwanted and even life-threatening side effects. Consider these common medications and the effect of mixing them with alcohol.

Medication When combined with alcohol …
Antibiotics May cause nausea, vomiting, headaches and possibly convulsions.
Anticonvulsants May make the drugs less effective or cause seizures.
Antidepressants May increase the sedative effect of the drugs; with some antidepressants, may cause blood pressure to go dangerously high.
Antidiabetic medications May make the drugs less effective or sometimes too effective; may also cause nausea and headaches.
Antihistamines May increase the sedative effect of the drugs, causing dizziness or drowsiness.
Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) May cause gastrointestinal ulcers or bleeding.
Antimalarial drugs May cause liver toxicity.
Barbiturates May make the drugs less effective; may lead to coma or death in some cases.
Cardiovascular medications May make the drugs less effective or cause dizziness.
Narcotic pain relievers May increase the sedative effect of the drugs, which increases the risk for death by overdose.
Non-narcotic pain relievers May increase the risk for stomach bleeding or cause liver damage.
Sedatives and hypnotics ("sleeping pills") May cause severe drowsiness, increasing the risk for falling and other accidents.

Of course, the effect of alcohol and certain medications may vary among individuals. Check with your doctor or pharmacist regarding specific drugs and how they may interact with alcohol or other drugs you're taking. (Remember to consider all products you use -- recreational or illicit drugs can cause unhealthy or even hazardous interactions as well.) Before taking any medication, ask if there are any foods, medications, alternative medicines, nutritional supplements or other substances you should avoid while taking the drug. Also find out if there are any activities you should avoid, such as driving or operating heavy machinery.