
Monday, December 04, 2006

The New Medicine: Integrative, Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM), - Medical Intuition & Distant Energy Healing: the Mind Body Connection

by: Brent Atwater

The New Medicine: Integrative, Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM), - Medical Intuition & Distant Energy Healing: the Mind Body Connection

In the Bravewell Collaborative's PBS special on the New Medicine Dana Reeves expressed that traditional medicine is now examining and addressing the entire mind body connection. One of the physicians interviewed stated "It is dumb" to not look at the entire person in order to determine the complete patient diagnosis.

PBS previews state:

"A burgeoning movement is taking place in hospitals and clinics across this country - integrating the best of high-tech medicine with a new attitude that recognizes that treating the patient as a whole person is essential to the healing process. As scientific findings reveal that the mind plays a critical role in the body's capacity to heal, the medical community is beginning to embrace a new range of treatment options, including many once considered fringe.

The National Institutes of Health has been funding rigorous scientific research to determine what alternative healing strategies are safe and effective so that there is solid evidence to broaden medical choices for patients. "Integrative medicine means being able to offer patients a full array of choices from conventional medicine, but to be able to add those complementary and alternative strategies where we have scientific evidence that they work and they're safe," says Dr. Margaret Chesney, Deputy Director of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a division of the NIH. "

Your body's energy system records and stores everything that has occurred since your physical being was born. Its energy blueprint provides a complete information source about what has and is occurring. Your energy divulges whether physical health issues were derived from an emotional connection or are an acquired physical manifestation from cellular deficiency or breakdown. Medical intuition is the science of tapping into this energy blueprint resource to locate the origin of your issues.

Although modern medicine uses MRI's, x-rays, PET, CAT, Trilogy, and MUGA scans to determine physical issues, most emotionally caused physical issues go undetected.

Medical intuitives can provide insight into direct links between the emotions lodged in your energy memory bank, and how those emotions created health issues. Louise Hayes, in her book "You Can Heal Your Life" actually lists disorders, and the common emotional patterns that create health issues.

Medical intuition can also provide insight to physical issues that will be entering the human body. Energy disorders present themselves in the exterior energy field or aura of our body before it enters into the physical body. New Medicine is trying to stop destructive exterior patterns such as thoughts, behaviors, etc. from creating unhealthy energy patterns that eventually create disease in our physical body. Thus the term "mind over matter" has great relevance in today's medical treatment. Additionally, once the physical body is combating unhealthy energy, using your mind to generate healthy energy frequencies helps facilitate healing.

Some medical intuitives are able to see your body's actual cellular and organ structures and systems like an MRI. Those medical intuitives can provide immediate information as to the location, extent and severity of physical disease and disorders, and even provide information about possible future health problems. This viewing ability is an asset in emergency room medicine. It reduces stress and saves time in critical care, intensive care, trauma injury and pediatric care. Medical intuition complements modern techniques by providing a broader knowledge base for the patient to determine their total treatment, and integrates the best of all worlds to create their health care regime using the total mind and body connection.

Energy Healing is another technique. Although considered alternative and complementary health care and medicine, "energy medicine" is now being considered more and more as a valuable healing modality in mainstream medical facilities. Everything has energy. When you reestablish healthy energy patterns, you facilitate the body healing itself. Disease is altered energy that is not resonating at a healthy frequency. Everything has a frequency or it doesn't exist. There are many charts available on the internet that list the frequency of a healthy body (62-78 MHz) or the frequency of particular organs. A diseased organ will not have the same frequency as a healthy organ or an entire body. Energy healing addresses the frequency of your body and its energy centers (chakras), flow directions (meridians), and blockages or any changes in your systems or cells energy patterns.

Energy healing has been around for 2000 years or more, in the form of acupuncture. Acupuncture works by stimulating the patient’s own chi or life-force energy to accelerate the healing process. There are numerous other forms of energy healing that complement and integrate with modern medicine that can be done while you are working with your physician. Quantum touch, Energy Medicine, Healing Hands, Healing Touch, Reiki, Huna, reflexology, Vibrational medicine, acupuncture, shiatsu, acupressure, Craniosacral work, Pranic Healing, Energy psychology, Chinese Medicine and a multitude of others aid the body's energy to facilitate health.

An added value of medical intuition and most forms of energy healing is that the intuitive diagnosis and energy healing services can be performed from a distance or remotely and immediately. This saves valuable time, dehabilitating travel for critically ill individuals, and offers another assessment and healing modality for any person in any location. Both are non-threatening, non invasive, and have no side effects, and are compatible with your current treatments and procedures.

The new medicine integrates alternative complementary medicine and techniques with traditional medicine to address the entire person in order to determine a complete mind body diagnosis and treatment program. The patient is the benefactor by having "all there is" available to them in their choices to facilitate their healing journey.

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety.

Contact Information:
Brent Atwater, Alternative & Integrative Medical Specialist
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA


Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Complementary Alternative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal distant energy healing work, which is not a substitute for medical procedures or treatments. Always consult a physician or trained health care professional concerning any medical problem or condition before undertaking any diet, health related or lifestyle change programs. There are no guarantees with the Energy work.

Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Distant Energy Healing: As an integrative medical & pediatric specialist (CAM), her international Medical Intuitive & Distant Energy Healing has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for pets by the NCSU's Vet school. She participates in evidence based research & clinical trials. ARTIST: An artist 30+yrs, Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting Paintings that Heal™. Her art was featured on "PBS". She founded Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust to benefit children. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love™ Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. "Cancer Kids, God's Special Children". "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges", & "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience". These books are holistic, alternative medicine & alternative healing for your mind. Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.

About The Author

Brent Atwater: Medical Intuitive, Energy Healing: As an alternative medical specialist (CAM), her international evidence based Medical Intuitive & Distance Energy Healing work is published and has been studied by & or documented at Duke, the ARE, & for animals by the NCSU's Vet school. She participates in research & Clinical trials. ARTIST: An artist 30+yrs, Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting Paintings that Heal™. Her art was featured on "PBS". At 16, NC Museum of Art chose her painting for the permanent collection. She founded Just Plain Love™ Charitable Trust to benefit children. AUTHOR: Just Plain Love™ Children's Healing Books. The books are translated into plays performed in children's healthcare facilities turning illness negatives into positives. "Cancer Kids, God's Special Children". "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations, & Actions for Overcoming Your Health Challenges", & "Positive Attitudes, Affirmations & Actions to Help Survive Your Cancer Experience". Brent attended Wake Forest Law School and is a minister.

Healthy Weight Loss - The Truth about Dieting

by: Christine Sutherland

Very few people realise that nearly 100% of people who lose weight through a diet program put that weight back on even more quickly than before. Read on to discover why our health departments are now saying that even healthy diets should be avoided.

In the first month of a diet the weight you lose is mostly water and muscle weight. As soon as you go off the diet, those are replaced with more fat! In addition, almost no-one can stick to a diet because it is so out of kilter with the person's familiar eating patterns. The very act of dieting both lowers metabolic processing, and increases food cravings. No wonder that three years after going on a diet, over 95% have put that weight back on or are even heavier!

Nevertheless there is no doubt we have a serious weight problem. In Australia the latest National Nutrition Survey showed that we have 45% of women and 65% of men overweight. Over the last 20 years our obesity rate has doubled to 17% of men and 19% of women. According to the National Health & Medical Research Council paper “Acting on Australia’s Weight” our children are 2-3 times more likely to be obese, as their rates have also doubled since the 1980’s.

The costs of overweight are enormous: over $700 million dollars of the public purse, and over $500 million spent attending diet or weight loss clinics. Our hospitals are clogged with people who have diseases which are a consequence of overweight: heart disease, metabolic disorders, diabetes, oedema, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, cancers of the endometrium, biliary system disease and respiratory problems. The cost in loss of life is even worse. Every year in Australia we lose many thousands of people to the effects of overweight. We also lose thousands of young women every year dying from dieting diseases such as anorexia and bulimia.

So not only does dieting not work, it's dangerous, and we can no longer afford to tolerate a culture of dieting.

The following are a list of health problems caused by dieting, all of which are thoroughly backed by worldwide consensus research:

1. Diets have been linked with fatal eating disorders, particularly amongst children, and particularly amongst children of mothers who have dieted.

2. Weight loss dieting can cause health problems and can even lead to gall bladder disease and emergency surgery if the decrease is too rapid.

3. Dieting has been linked with lowered libido. Diets can wreck a wonderful sex life and a great relationship!

4. Diets usually cost money, money that could have been spent on lovely new clothes or family treats. If diets worked, this would be a wise investment, but the problem is, the weight loss effects are merely temporary and the damage done by dieting persists!

5. Diets often don’t provide correct nutrition, leading to problems with concentration and memory and also decreased well-being, lowered immune system and more illness.

6. Food deprivation causes food cravings that become so intense that sooner or later everyone busts out of their diet! At this point the myth of willpower is shown to be the awful lie that it truly is.

So why diet? It doesn’t work. It causes problems. And there’s a much better way!

What is this better way? Certainly we now know that healthy weight loss does not involve any special eating regime or exercise regime. Instead the best weight loss programs will ensure that a thorough study is made of how the person behaves and the lifestyle choices they make when they are NOT trying to lose weight. This is the realistic baseline that we're starting from.

Often we find that if the person is fairly active and not overeating too severely, that it is something very small that is nevertheless making a very big difference in weight. It could be that they're eating or drinking something on a regular basis that they had no idea contained so many empty calories. The café latté is a perfect example, as some of these can add up to as much as half one's daily calorie needs! One of these each day could easily add 0.5 kg per week in excess weight. Many people are surprised to learn that it only takes an excess of just 250 calories a day for most people to accumulate an extra 11 kilos of fat every year!

Or it could be that the person has reduced their physical activity level by giving up some sport or activity that they enjoyed and need to give themselves permission, even as adults, to get out there and play and engage with life again. This should not on any account be confused with an exercise regime. This really is about PLAYING and genuine pleasure is the key.

So this is why we should focus on healthy weight loss practices only, and really look at what choices people are making, and why they are making them, before we even begin to construct a plan, not by imposing it on someone, but by working together as a team to build an informed, customised, workable and permanent solution.

Finally, the compulsive and addictive components of weight loss have been so poorly understood that they've been ignored totally, leaving the poor overweight person out of control with cravings. Until now there has not really been a satisfactory answer to cravings, but by using modern deconditioning methods, people can now learn to literally switch off these cravings, quickly and permanently. I hope after reading this article that you would never again consider dieting, and instead look at the real reasons for your weight issues, and real solutions for healthy weight loss! Thank you for reading.

About The Author

Christine Sutherland is the owner of , an information-packed resource for people who want healthy weight loss from real, permanent solutions. You can view more interesting articles, videos and audios on the WeightChoice web site.

Toxins Clearly Need Treating

by: Ralph Morton

Using Organic Products Does Make a Difference If you're one of those people who have never given any thought to what ingredients might be in the products you use, you're not alone. And if you're one of the people who believe that if it's on a shelf being advertized and sold, then it must have been tested and be safe to use, well, think again. It is so frustrating to me to see how large corporations sell out their consumers just to make a buck, but then I guess that's what makes the world go round, right?

Profits are put before the health of the public and using "beauty" as the hook, most people are drawn right in. I think it's time that we set new standards for ourselves and our children. Sure everyone wants to look "younger" and "more beautiful," but at what expense? We as consumers need to know what is in the products we are using and how it can affect us today and in the future.

The truth is that few of the chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products are fully tested to find out what kind of affects they have on the humans that use them, and certainly none of the toxic chemicals are tested in relation to other toxic chemicals. After all, you do use more than one product at a time, don't you?

In other words, no one really knows what the adverse reactions are at the time of usage or what's going to happen after they have accumulated in your body over a period of time.

It's time for you to become informed, learn about the ingredients, read about what consumer organizations are doing to try to protect you, find out about healthy alternatives to using synthetic toxic products, learn about the effects of these ingredients and the various reactions that you might have to them.

Find out the truth about fluoride. Why is it that the FDA requires a warning on all fluoridated toothpastes telling the consumer to seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately if they accidentally swallow more toothpaste than used for brushing?

Learn about the possible link between the aluminium in antiperspirants and Alzheimer's disease and that there is research to suggest a link between aluminium and epilepsy.

Using conventional products is a matter of personal choice.

We can avoid many of these toxic chemicals by simply using organic products instead. We have options. Organic skin care is an area of the organic movement which has made real progress in recent times, and where previously there were few options available, there is now a fairly wide range of grooming products out there. Another option open to consumers is to make your own cosmetics using organic ingredients.

As you can see, we are really required to look after our families and ourselves, no matter what products we are using, they may toxins.

We also find toxins in our vegetables, our meats, our dairy products, a great lot of thought has to go into your selection of foods.

Have you ever asked yourself this question, why is it today we have more obese people? Up 67% of the population are overweight today. There were a great lot less many years ago. A few, but in no way were they around as they are today, and believe me it will get worse. It will not get any better unless people educate themselves. Unless they know why this is happening, the problem will continue to grow.

In order to rid ourselves of these toxins it was required someone came up with a Natural body cleanse which would be able to clean out the fatty particles, and the toxins from the colon, liver, kidneys and lungs, plus all the other organs.

I am happy to say I used John Anderson's natural cleanse from the Isagenix company, after I used it I felt 100% better and had the energy I had lost over the years.

You will also find this company offers Natural Beauty Aids which are worth investigating.

In order to rid ourselves of these toxins it was required someone came up with a body cleanse which would be able to clean out the fat particles, and the toxins from the colon, liver, kidneys and lungs, plus all the other organs. I am happy to say I used John Anderson's natural cleanse, after I used it I felt full of energy, just like I had when I was young.

I would also tell you, I am 78 years old, I feel like a 50 year old because I cleanse regularly. I would also mention, my first 9 day cleanse resulted in the loss of 13lbs.

You are not doing yourself any favors by leaving toxins in your Body, cleanse and feel wonderful.

Toxins are destroying our world. Toxins are the reason we are having an epidemic of people overweight. This article will give you information of how to clean out your system. Hundreds have already been successful of losing weight by reading these articles.If you don't clean it out, the toxins will wear you down. Be sensible, make the adjustment today, be fit and full of energy.

For more information visit See what ABC and FOX television thought of Cleansing

To contact the Author 604-536-6813 or email

About The Author

Ralph Morton has many articles on the subject of toxins and has helped hundreds to lose weight the easy way. He would like you to read others Articles. Please visit and enjoy them. If you do a cleanse you will no doubt lose the weight, however, if you want to become wealthy, Ralph will show you the way.

You can also visit when it loads on the top left click on ISAVIDEOS and listen to Dr Becky Natrajan who will give you full details of what Toxins do to your system.

Also you will find two News Casts, one from FOX, the other from ABC Television programs, each show why cleansing is the way to lose weight.

Do a cleanse and enjoy the benefit of having the energy back that you lost. Be healthy once again.

For further information,

Is Authentic Hoodia an Oxymoron?

by: Dan Nessel

We all have our favorite oxymorons - act natural, original copy, jumbo shrimp and the list goes on. With all the spam and misinformation surrounding the weight loss supplement Hoodia, I have been asked if "authentic Hoodia" should be added to the list of Oxymorons. It often does feel like "authentic Hoodia" is an apt Oxymoron, however, the secret that most of the supplement industry does not want you to know is that there are lab tests that can be done to find authentic Hoodia.

In case you have a terrific spam filter - here is the 411 on Hoodia. Hoodia Gordonii is a succulent plant that grows in South Africa. The SAN Bushmen have chewed on Hoodia for close to 1,000 years to reduce their appetite while on long hunting trips. Hoodia is now a highly sought after plant for it ability to suppress appetite. In fact, Hoodia Gordonii is in such high demand it is considered a protected plant and can only be exported with a special permit from the government of South Africa (a CITES permit).

To start, you should always ask to see the CITES Permit for any Hoodia you are looking to buy. However, the fact that a company can produce a document is no guarantee that that document applies to what you are buying from the company. For example, a company may have a valid CITES permit for 50 Kilos of Hoodia Gordonii from South Africa from 2005. The question then becomes, was the supplement you are about to buy actually made from the Hoodia bought under CITES permit in 2005? You really have no way of knowing if you just rely on the CITES or any other import documentation. These documents, if authentic, simply tell you the company you are dealing with has imported real Hoodia Gordonii at some point. These documents do not help you determine if the supplement you are buying from the company is real Hoodia Gordonii.

If you want to determine what is in a capsule of a supplement marketed as Hoodia Gordonii, you need to have the supplement lab tested. Okay, but what does lab tested really mean? When dealing with botanicals, such as Hoodia, there are three lab tests that can help determine the authenticity of a supplement.


In this test the sample of Hoodia is examined under a microscope (usually at 400x magnification). A well trained technician examines the cellular structure of the sample and looks for patterns that match the know cellular structure of Hoodia Gordonii. For example, it is known that pure Hoodia Gordonii has long fibers with whirled striations so this something a technician would try to find when examining a sample.

It is important to note that even if the Hoodia Gordonii plant has been dried, crushed, powdered and processed - the cellular structure should still be intact. So, an authentic finished Hoodia Gordonii supplement should still show the cellular structure of Hoodia when examined in a Microscopy test.

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC)

The American Heritage Dictionary defines Chromatography as:

"Any of various techniques for the separation of complex mixtures that rely on the differential affinities of substances for a gas or liquid mobile medium and for a stationary adsorbing medium through which they pass, such as paper, gelatin, or magnesia."

If you are like us - the above definition just leaves you scratching your head. In layman's terms - chromatography is a process used to separate samples by the levels of absorbency of the sample.

High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) is the specific type of Chromatography used to test for Hoodia Gordonii in a sample. With HPTLC first a know reference sample of Hoodia Gordonii is tested. This produces a plate with varying colors for separation over time.

While the technical data gets beyond the scope of this article, the idea is that the HPTLC provides a fingerprint of what authentic Hoodia Gordonii looks like when separated under HPTLC. To confirm that a Hoodia supplement is really Hoodia, an HPTLC test is done to see if the Hoodia in question matches the fingerprint of the known Hoodia Gordonii.

What is interesting with HPTLC is you do not need to know what components make up the Hoodia Gordonii plant. The above test says nothing about what the analytes are in Hoodia Gordonii - but it does provide a fingerprint of how Hoodia Gordonii reacts in chromatography.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

HPLC is another form of Chromatography that is often used in analytical chemistry to identify analytes in a sample. In HPLC the sample is injected through a liquid and the response time of certain components of the sample are measured.

HPLC tests are used to detect the presence of P57 in a sample. P57 is an active ingredient in Hoodia, so if a test shows that a sample has P57 you can be confident that the sample is Hoodia Gordonii.

It is important to note that the current state of Hoodia testing using HPLC is qualitative NOT quantitative. This means that the HPLC is useful in determining if P57 is present in a sample, but it is not accurate enough to determine the quantity of P57 in a sample.

The Whole is Greater than the Sum of the Parts

You might be wondering - why do you need to do 3 tests for Hoodia Gordonii? The reason is no one test is 100% accurate - there is always the chance for false positives and false negatives. However, when you apply 3 different tests to a sample and they all come back positive for Hoodia Gordonii, it greatly reduces the odds of a test error.


If you want to be sure the Hoodia Gordonii supplement you are buying is authentic, make sure you see the results of the three lab tests described above. You also want to make sure that the lab tests were done on the exact LOT Number of finished product that you are buying.

What lab should do the testing? In our experience, Alkemists Labs has the experience and expertise to most accurately complete the above tests.

About The Author

Dan Nessel is a writer and researcher for Hoodia-Advice.Org. Mr. Nessel has spent the last 10 years writing and researching dietary supplements for various online publications. Hoodia-Advice.Org specializes in presenting unbiased research and information on Hoodia Gordonii.

Read more articles at -

Alternative Cancer Treatments

by: Om Prakash

Alternative Cancer Treatments are increasingly being used for treating cancer patients. The treatments are either used a sole therapy or in combination with traditional therapies to cure cancer. These treatments are based on the fact that our own immune system provides the first and best defense against cancer. In alternative cancer treatments vaccines stimulate patient's immune system to recognize and destroy tumor cells. The treatments are customized according to the patient ailing with cancer.

Some of the therapies used in an alternative cancer treatment program are:

1. Dendritic Cell Therapy

Cancer occurs when the immune system fails and comes across tumor cells. Macrophage or monocyte is an immune cell that comes in contact with th cancerous or precancerous cell. (Pre)cancerous cell signals the macrophage of any unhealthy cell. Macrophage breaks the cell into little pieces with the help of little packets of enzymes. The little pieces are then either moved to another type of immune cell or transformed to what is call a 'Dendritic Cell'. These cells are found in all tissues of the body. The very first dendritic cell discovered occurs throughout the skin and is called a Langerhan's cell. Dendritic cells are helpful in switching on an immune response and these stimulate the T-cells to become active against tumors.

Experiments have proved that these dendritic cells with tumor antigens can provide effective response against cancer. It is possible to produce large number of dendritic cells from the circulating blood of cancer patients, find source of tumor antigen and mature them.

Dendritic cell therapy is very effective when used with other types of immune therapies. The therapy itself is also useful for patients with high risk of recurrence once the tumor is removed by surgery.

2. Coley Vaccine

This Vaccine was developed by William Coley, a surgeon in 1893 at the New York Cancer Hospital. Coley discovered that when his vaccine caused a fever, the cancer shrank and number of immune cells increased dramatically. Usually, fevers are suppressed with medicinal drugs like acetaminophen, aspirin or ibuprofen. But studies have shown that suppressing a fever not only makes the infection worse but also spreads it. Coley recognized the beneficial effects of fever in cancer patients. He also discovered that when he stopped injecting the vaccine too early, the cancer started growing again. Thus, immune cells could be stimulated to fight the cancer for a limited time only. So, he used repeated injections to stimulate the immune system continuously.

Though it is called Coley's vaccine, it does not work to prevent an infection. Rather, it induces an immune response. Similarly, Coley's toxins are not toxins though they contain endotoxins and exotoxins. Under the therapy, Coley's toxins are injected into the affected tissues. Injection makes the cancer tissue necrotic which is then removed by drains. Injections are repeatedly given either daily or after every two days, however this varies from person to person.

3. Heat Shock Antigen Cancer Vaccine

Immune therapies for cancer stimulate white blood cells to attack cancer cells. Vaccines reprogram patient's immune system to recognize and attack the cells having the cancer fingerprint. Heat shock antigen vaccine captures the particular cancer's 'fingerprint,' which contains unique antigens. The personalized vaccine treats immune systems of cancer patients with little or no side effects.

HSAV is made from patients' tumors and heat shock proteins that are produced by patients' white blood cells. Part or all of the cancerous tissue is removed through surgery. White blood cells contain heat shock proteins that are purified and mixed with purified antigens from the tumor. The mixture is filtered and put into vials. The final product is tested for quality and sterility.

4. Cytokines Cancer Vaccine Treatment

Cytokines, also known as immune hormones can both enhance and suppress immunity. For cancer treatments, cytokines enhance immunity. FDA has approved two cytokines, interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon-alfa 2b, to be used against certain cancers. Combinations of cytokines deliver better results. For example, Interleukin-2 stimulates white blood cells to divide. A very high dose of it will be required if it is used individually. However, that can cause negative side effects. The solution to this can be the use of natural combination produced by white blood cells.

By using the combination, the dose of IL-2 can be lowered. Effects of heat shock protein vaccines and dendritic cell vaccines can be enhanced when given with natural cytokine combination.

5. Photodynamic Cancer Therapy

Photodynamic therapy is a revolutionary medical technology that uses light to induce reactions in patient's body. The therapy can destroy unwanted tissues without affecting normal tissues. A drug called a photosensitiser is injected into patient's body. The drug makes cells more sensitive to light and eventually destroys the cell. The drug has no effect until exposed to a particular type of light.

6. Immuno-Augmentive Therapy

The prime objective of IAT is restoring the immune system to enable it to destroy cancer cells. The therapy restores cancer patient's immune competency so that it can control cancer. Once the natural immune system is restored, patient’s own body becomes capable of treating itself. IAT treatment is not a cure for cancer but a means of restoring natural balance of the system.

Om Prakash makes it easy and provides alternative cancer treatment for treating cancer patients. To recieve free part mini-course visit the

About The Author

Om Prakash is a writer and researcher in the field of alternative health and nutrition. Information about alternative cancer treatment used in this article is from the ITL Cancer Clinic which has excelled in treating cancer through alternative methods with negligible side effects.