
Thursday, November 09, 2006

Tips On How To Boost Your Metabolism

by: Jennifer Petersen

The rate of metabolism during our old age is not quite the same as it was during the time of our youth. Surely you remember those days when you could eat just about anything at any time, and still weight the same ! well, those days are far behind. But no sweat, there is still hope. Not to forget that we live in an age, where we want instant solutions to every problem, and we seem to forever looking for a magic pill which will sort out all problems at once. And there are millions of such pills available which promise just that.

For ardent weight watchers, diet pills, also known as appetite suppressants had been in vogue in the ‘50s. During its introductory phase, these pills contained a substance called amphetamine, known to many as speed. The substance is very habit-forming and it was soon revealed that this is not a feasible option for those who wish to go on a crash plan for weight reduction.

The main focus of all diet plans, designed for weight loss should ensure a safe and healthy outcome. The so-called “fast” weight loss programs not always guarantee safety and good health. If one keeps this as a background, the best diet plan for weight reduction is that which offers a healthy balanced diet where calorie reduction is built-in. this plan ideally includes all the foods of the food pyramid in adequate proportions.

Doctors and researchers on the subject are focusing on how foods low on carbohydrate content can help those looking for weight reduction. The currently-available low carbohydrate foods are different from the snacks which were available before this. They tickle the taste buds, affordable and can have an instant impact on the way you look and feel.

There are many things you can do other than taking drugs, medicines, etc, if you want to pump up your metabolism. A healthy balance diet, coupled with adequate physical exercise can work wonders for you. Vitamin supplements, for instance, is a great way to keep healthy. They are safe and gives you all the energy you need. A minor change in your lifestyle can go a long way in giving that extra push to your metabolism wherein you can safely stay away from any harmful drugs or medications.

About The Author

Jennifer Petersen is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including